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Props & mixed media art by Elizabeth (Lizzy) Phoenix

Foam Rubber Casting
Creating soft props - which is the real one?
Real tools were pressed into a clay base and covered with silicone. Once set the mould is given a fibre glass jacket that can be clamped together. Wire armature is placed in the mould before pouring the foam rubber mix to give the soft prop stability. The foam expands to fill the mould and then is given a base coat of spray paint followed by an acrylic paint effect. Great for props that are required to look real but used where an actor could be potentially injured by the real thing.

Clay base

Silicone Mould back

Silicone mould
In fibre glass jacket

Fibre glass jacket
Foam poured and clamped while expanding

Trimming the foam

Foam cast spanner

Foam cast with real spanner

Foam cast tools

Foam cast hammers
Sprayed metal paint effect

Foam casts with paint effect
Silver spray and acrylic paint effects

Pliers foam cast - back
Acrylic paint effect

Pliers foam cast - front
Acrylic paint effect

Foam cast tool selection
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