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Welcome to my gallery of creative work, I hope you will enjoy browsing these collections. I have been working recently with Creative Media Skills at Pinewood studios. Some of the work found below is a result of this collaboration. Please do not hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions or to discuss a commision.

Minature Model Making

A dystopian future landscape using minimal materials and resources including cardboard and junk. Working in a team of 8 creating individual pieces and then dressing the set together to bring the landscape to life.



I have been building things with wood since I was old enough to hold a hammer in my Dad's workshop. My Dad taught me the basics and I continued to challenge myself through home and commissioned projects.

Gallery Coming Soon

Labyrinth Inspired Fast Casting

Sculpted using plastiline, silicone mould and fast cast to make the finished product. Different paint effects include spray paint, acrylics and silver tape.

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Secret Life of Pets inspired foot stool

Inspired by Chloe from Secret Life of Pets. Fat Cat is designed to be a foot stool but can be enjoyed as a stand alone art piece. She is super light but very stable and stand approximately 2 foot high.

Crafty Projects

A selection of small projects, showing various prop making and arts/crafts techniques. Includes metal ageing, plaster moulds, latex casts and modelling.


Elemental Witch Series

Witches hats and brooms inspired by the four elements. Each hat has a specific theme based around Earth, Air, Fire and Water. Using the shape of the hat and the adornments used. They are a mixture of Fibre Glass tissue and plaster.

Hocus Pocus inspired book

Made from a real book and a hidden compartment cut into the pages. The decoration is made from air drying clay, with a moveable hinge on the clasp and painted with acrylics.

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Poly Carving

Carved polysterene blocks and sheets, treated with a fibre glass, paint, fillite, pva mix and then dry brushed with acrylic paint effects.

Foam Rubber Casting

Silicone moulds made from real tools and then cast using foam rubber with a wire armature skeleton.

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Inked, pencil and painted illustrations including Inktober, commisions and just for fun.

Cake sculpting and modelling

All my cake sculpting skills are self taught, these are the cake commissions involving carving sponge cake and modelling using various types of icing.


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